GTA 5 Zombies: A Complete Guide About GTA 5 Zombies Mod

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GTA 5 zombies mod is a games utility application developed in collaboration with GTA five mods. As the name suggests, it’s a modification that adds the zombie genre to Grand Theft Auto V. Simple Zombies is a survival game. In this mode, players must monitor their endurance, thirst, and hunger levels while searching for zombies. Of course, you’ll have to get out and find items to boost your health. This mod also provides crafting to make resources, weapons, and safety zones for your protection.

GTA simple zombie Mod

Since the beginning of GTA 5, zombies mod has been a frequent theme for video games. Some mods transform some of the most loved games in Zombie’s survival games. One of them is GTA Zombies Mod. Los Santos is turned into a post-apocalyptic hell hole in this survival mode. You play the role of a survivor among hordes of zombies in the game. The goal of this zombie horror game is to survive for as long as you can. This means fighting zombies as you scavenge water, food, and other supplies. 

Of course, you’ll also construct camps and find more survivors. In addition, you’ll also oversee your survivors by assigning them tasks that will ensure that your camp can survive for a long.

The players should be aware that, besides being the basic gamer in the game, it requires numerous prerequisites for proper operation. The ScriptHookV DotNet, ScriptHookV and NativeUI must be installed. Additionally, there are some new hotkeys such as Inventory for I, Craft to Craft F100 to access the zombie menu to the fore, and E for repairing low-health vehicles.

Are the zombies mods in GTA 5 working?

It is necessary to download The GTA Simple Zombies Mod if you are a fan of GTA V and zombies games. This mod lets you’ll be able to play a survival zombie game using the well-known GTA gameplay. But, since it transforms the gameplay entirely, there are different modifications to the mechanics and controls. Furthermore, there are plenty of prerequisites for the mod to function correctly.

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Features of GTA 5 zombies mod

This mod currently includes:

  • There are no car and city ambient sounds – it’s supposed to be the world’s final day, and you shouldn’t hear lawnmowers.
  • Car radios and phones are not available. Again, the no way they won’t.
  • Basic survival game stats are eating to maintain your hunger levels and drinking water to boost your thirst levels, and resting to maintain energy levels.
  • Basic inventory system (can be saved or loaded) and the ability to steal items from dead zombies/survivors and collect the flesh of dead animals.
  • Switch off or on Fast Zombies (note that they will occur more frequently in the hours between 7 pm-7 am).
  • Abandoned vehicles are scattered across the map (customizable through ‘Settings.ini’).
  • Work-related vehicles can be claimed and stored/loaded.
  • Random survivors appear each 5 min (real-time). In addition, neutral survivors could be sacked and looted. Hostile survivors will strike at you.
  • Zombies will breed more often in urban areas; however, animals are more likely to reproduce in nature (it is possible to modify).

Once you start the mod, how will it affect you?

  • When you start the mod The tent at the base of the mountain can be used for sleeping to recharge your energy. It is possible to cook meat raw by the campfire so that you can take it in and eat it. You can open the menu for starting up by pressing the ‘F10’ button on your keyboard.
  • Once the mod is up, you can either press the ‘F10’ button or ‘Down’ D-Pad that the controller uses (this will be what your Character Selection key is configured to; therefore, it may not be “Down”). For accessing the Inventory, it’s the “I” button on the keyboard. Or the ‘Up’ key in the Controller’s D-Pad (this will depend on what you have the phone key set to, so it could not be “Up”).
  • To get rid of peds, gather animal meat, rest in the tent, or cook food over your campfire, that should be the default key to use for interaction with objects (which is typically the ‘E’ button on the keyboard or the ‘Left’ key that is located in the controller’s D-Pad). 
  • But you’ll also see an icon appear whenever you interact with objects in the map, showing you which key to hit (depending on whether you’re using a controller or keyboard).
  • The settings can be set within the ‘Settings.ini File. This file is located inside the GTA 5 game directory, and it is located within the directory called ‘/Scripts/’ (where the ‘UndeadStreets.dll file needs to be installed) after you start the game for the first time. You install this mod, and it will create a directory called ‘UndeadStreets’ and additional directories to store logs settings, save files, and log within it. 
  • In the setting, you can alter the spawn rate of survivors, zombies vehicles, and the types of spawned vehicles (only suitable for experienced players and uses the models’ names), The damage and health options for zombies.
  • Also, you can change health settings for survivors and the models used to create those who are zombies. You can also change the model used for survivors, animals’ models, spawn rates and spawn rates, etc.

What are the five best GTA 5 zombies mods?

The GTA 5 mod community has made it happen again with stunning zombie-themed mods. The players don’t have to sit to see the latest version of Call Of Duty to experience zombies when they could kill the undead with Los Santos instead. Take on the zombie apocalypse, and win with this mod collection to give you the ultimate zombie experience.

1. Simple zombies

One of the most extensive zombie mods available for GTA 5, Simple Zombies is a complete modification that completely overhauls the GTA experience. With the ability to use resources, Inventory, hunger and thirst stats, and crafting, This mod is genuinely complete.

2. The dead among us project

Dead Among Us Project is a modification that zombies Los Santos, the entire planet. The use of atmospheric effects such as abandoned vehicles, rusted textures, and overgrown vegetation help add dimension to the environment that creates an authentic experience.

3. Zombie car pack

While exploring the zombie apocalypse, you can’t just get out of an ordinary vehicle. Look at these tricked-out armored vehicles with missiles and guns mounted. This might be the most effective protection plan for you to withstand the zombie assault in San Andreas.

4. Military base

An additional map modification is the mudded military base designed to be your center of operations in the event of a zombie thesis. The players can camp out in towers or within the walls of the reinforced base. The camp also has an RM-10 Bombushka aircraft that players can use. The workshop in the car is kept moving, and the helipad could be used to make a quick escape if situations become tense.

5. Mad max vehicles

Big cars, flames, and huge superchargers. The Mad Max Mod Vehicles is the final piece that you must style to get through hordes and hordes of zombies. Smash waves of zombies with the wheels of your fire-sprinkling monster vehicles in this fantastic, extreme mod.

In GTA 5, where is the zombie?

In Grand Theft Auto V, the Soapboxer Zombie makes an appearance. Graham, a soapboxer who can be found near the intersection of Vinewood Boulevard & Alta Street, is cosplaying the Vinewood Zombies, a figure from a movie with the same title.

What do you do with the zombie in GTA 5?

“Grand Theft Auto V” (GTA 5) is an action-adventure video game that allows players to engage in various activities, including dealing with zombies. In the game, zombies are part of a specific mission, where the player must complete tasks and fight off hordes of the undead. To deal with zombies in GTA 5, the player can use various weapons, such as guns, knives, and blunt objects, to take them down. Additionally, the player can use their car to run over zombies and eliminate them.

Another way to deal with zombies in GTA 5 is to avoid them altogether by hiding or running away. The player can find safe zones to hide in, such as buildings or vehicles, or use their parkour skills to escape danger. Additionally, players can use different strategies, such as luring zombies into traps, to minimize their exposure to danger.


GTA 5 zombies mod is the most awaiting mod of the game. The player now easily enjoys playing this mod. This article explains the GTA 5 zombies mod in all its essential details.


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